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Know exactly what your users think of your apps. We aggregate, tag and sort all user reviews for all your iOS apps.
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You can keep an overview of all userreviews for multiple apps easily in our dashboard. Want to see only 3-star reviews? No problem - filter them!

Big Picture: Easy Statistics

Yeah, we know, statistics can be boring... that's why we made ours a delight! What country do most of your reviews come from? What app version got the best reviews? And more!

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Focus on What Really Matters: Your Users

We want to help you get the important things done. Just add any app you want to track to your account and we'll present you with meaningful data - so you can focus on your users.

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Reviews by Country

Find out what users from different countries think about your app. We monitor all App Store storefronts and make sorting userreviews super easy for you.

Guess what? It's Free!

Free is hard to beat, right? With a free account, you can track all of your apps and access every little bit of data we collect. Still reading? Click the register button already!

Benefit From Review Insights

Make better decisions by monitoring what your users think about your apps - and your competitor's apps.
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Improve Customer Service

Immediately take note of reviews on the App Store that require your attention. More often than not you can turn a bad review around.

Analyse Your Competitors

Keep an eye on your competition - what do their users like and dislike about their apps? Improve your decision making by knowing your audience.

See Review Trends

Trends are a great way to monitor if you are heading in the right direction. Does your most recent app update perform better than the ones before?

A Free Account Is All You Need

Get a free account and supercharge your App Store reviews. No credit card or any other payment method required.
Dashboard View

Get a comprehensive overview of your app reviews and ratings in your dashboard.

An Eye On Your Competition

Find out which features might attract your competitor's users towards your app.

Review Trends

Find out quickly if your users like your most recent app update thanks to our trend analysis.

Accessible From Any Device

Desktop, laptop or smartphone - doesn't matter. Use our service on any device, anywhere.

Rating Trends

Keep an eye on your apps' rating trends. Yes, we track them as well!

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